Bun Bucket-list Countdown

We got the call last week-photo

May 23rd is baking day! 

In more medical terms, embryo transfer day.  They’ll pop 2 buns in my oven and then the dreaded wait to see if one or both buns stick.

The clock has started and the countdown is on.  But we don’t want to go wishing away the next 66 days, 20 hours & 29 minutes… who’s counting anyway.  If we have learned one thing from our friends with baby buns of their own, its ‘s to enjoy the time we have together now.  That’s why we’ve created our very own Bun Bucket-list.  I did a little looking online to see what google thought we should do:

-“Buy a house”  Wait, what?  Seriously, a house?

-“Buy your dream car”  Google, must not have read my post about my husbands 1996 Toyota Corolla

-“Go on an exotic vacation” Does St. Louis Missouri count?

-“Address problems in your relationship”  Right now our biggest problem is that we can’t buy a house, dream car and go on an exotic vacation

-“Relocate to your dream city”  Really?

-“Become a yogi, kick box master or run a marathon”  C’mon! Who are these people?

-“Spend time alone together on a boat”  This is getting weird

-“Kiss under a waterfall”  Yeah, I’m done with this list

With all the exotic vacationing, boating and kissing under waterfalls it seems Chris Harrison hijacked google’s list.  We won’t be doing most to any of those things, and “ees okay”  because we created a list of our own, and we’ll be calling on some of you to join us:

-Stay out until sunrise

-Go to drunch  “I’ll take 2 margaritas please”

-Sleep in

-Visit a winery

-Get in shape

-Whiten my teeth

-Get in the hot tub

-Eat really good sushi

Sound about right to all you mama’s out there?  If you were to do it all over again, what would you add?  For those of you without buns of your own, what is on your baby bun-bucket list?


  1. Ya! How exciting! LOL, I’m with you…..those lists are garbage! I like yours a lot more. I hope you guys really enjoy the next 66 days!

  2. Sleeping in is a BIG one! I would add 2 more things to your list. 1) take a babymoon 2) Enjoy taking your time doing the following things because once baby comes you will be rushing to do these things or just happy that you were able to do them at all: hot shower/bath, sex, painting your nails, getting ready and a hot meal.

  3. I love your response to google’s list. lol. I like your list. It is very interesting following your process thank you for being brave and open to share it with others. I don’t know what I would do if I could go back because my road has been an out of order one and it was still a blessing.

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